Warm Coast - weather and water temperature

  • Product image
    of the project

    The website allows user to get usfull information on any beach or destination on the coast.

    The system is integrated with weather services to get real time information and forecast. It also uses NASA dataset (published daily) to get water temperature at any point in the world with the resolution of 1x1 km.


    • Custom design and logo - see the brandbook
    • World's the most comprehansive database of beaches and near the cost destinations ~21k
    • Beach amentities, parking, surface, guards, toilets any many more
    • Weather Information and Forecast
    • Sea Surface Temperature with History data (comming soon)
    • Waves and Tidals (comming soon)

    Project team: 6 members
    Project duration: On-Going - 1-2 years
    Scope: full development life cycle.
    Technology Stack: Univeral JS - TypeScript/React/Webpack, HTML/LESS, .NET Core, Azure, Docker, Elasticsearch
